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Bold and Brave in the New Year - 10 Ideas to Keep Your Financial Wellness on Track

Bold and Brave in the New Year - 10 Ideas to Keep Your Financial Wellness on Track

January 03, 2022

This is one of my favorite photos of my daughter. To me, it signifies a bold look to the future, an inner strength that shows she is a fighter. It makes me proud, and it makes me think that we could all use an extra dose of inner resilience as we navigate our current environment.

Being bold can mean many things, but one is keeping motivated when life gets tricky.

Here are 10 ideas to keep your financial wellness on track:

1. Let's get organized. Whether it's your closet or your finances, when you have clarity of the clutter, you will feel more confident!

2. Take action. What is holding you back on something you want to embrace? Are you ready to set a new habit?

3. Have gratitude. While life can get tough, what is it that is going right? Are you expressing it enough?

4. Battle the isolation. Whether the winter weather or the virus, what are the resources to build your in-person community?

5. Stay aligned to your spending plan. It is easy to want to reward yourself with a large expense because it may have been a tough year. Is the expense within your financial plan? There are many ways to reward yourself.

6. Keep active. Get up and go. You’ll be so happy you did. 

7. Keep engaged. While doom-scrolling is easy, it is often defeating. What are the other “channels” that bring positivity into your world?

8. Mind your community. The world is inter-connected. How can you lend support to a cause in need?

9. Embrace the help of others. Let’s face it, we are busy people. Delegate where you can, hire professionals to assist you to make progress.

10. Congratulate yourself. On all the ways you’ve rocked it this year. I’m in a special position to hear a lot of what is going on within people’s lives, and I remain so honored by the little and big advances and kindnesses that are achieved. Job well done.

Being financially well takes all the aspects of life into account. Be good to yourself. Stay purposeful and have a wonderful 2022.